Social Skills Playgroups

Discover everything you need to know about our fun playgroups and how they can help your little one grow and thrive!

Absolutely not! We welcome every child, regardless of whether they have a formal diagnosis or not. Many families come to us seeking additional support because traditional activities like sports or ballet may not fully meet their child’s needs. Our classes offer a unique approach tailored to support each child’s individual development, ensuring they can thrive even if they struggle to follow along in other settings. Our focus is on providing a supportive environment where every child can grow, learn, and succeed, regardless of any formal diagnosis.

Our playgroups meet once a week for 60-minute sessions. This regular schedule allows children to foster relationships, build on their progress from previous sessions, and consistently practice new skills within a supportive environment.

Note: It is important to us that children are grouped according to skill level. Prior to a child joining playgroups, a screening is required to determine which group will maximize the development of each child. Screenings are 30-minutes long and are conducted by appointment only.

It’s important to remember that the core principle of Kerri’s KIds Play2learn is flexibility and following the child’s lead. This means there’s no single “typical” session, as they are always evolving based on the children present and their current interests. However, here’s a general idea of what you can expect in our playgroups:

Structure (with a lot of flexibility!)

    • Warm-up/Free Play: The session always begins with some time for free play as children arrive and settle in. Play is the foundation of learning. During free play, your child will have the opportunity to explore, create, and interact with peers. This unstructured time fosters creativity, imagination, and the development of social skills.
    • Circle Time: Your child will have the opportunity to greet all their peers and teachers. This time is not only a chance for social interaction but also a valuable moment for language development. 
    • Music Time: Our music time is not only about tons of fun but also about building language  skills through rhythm, melody and movement. Your child will learn new songs and enjoy the benefits of musical expression.
    • Instructional Snack: We believe in the power of learning through all aspects of play, including snack time! Our instructional snack sessions will be a chance for your child to explore new tastes while engaging in conversation and language development.
    • Transition Time: Smooth transitions are key to a successful playgroup experience. We’ve incorporated transition times between activities to help your child learn to move seamlessly from one task to another, promoting focus and flexibility.

Possible Activities

Again, these will vary greatly, but could include:

    • Sensory Exploration: Bins filled with rice, sand, water play, etc.
    • Symbolic Play: Play kitchens, dress-up, toy cars, dolls, etc.
    • Building & Construction: Blocks, simple crafts, playdough.
    • Movement Activities: Songs with actions, dancing, obstacle courses (if space allows).
    • Art Activity: Activities are  designed to encourage creative expression while addressing developmental goals. Themes may vary depending on the season or month, incorporating relevant topics such as seasons, holidays, or cultural celebrations. Activities aim to promote social-emotional growth, communication skills, and sensory integration in a supportive and engaging environment tailored to each child’s individual interests and needs.

The Specialist’s Role

The key is that our specialist isn’t directing playtime. Instead, they will:

    • Observe and follow the children’s interests.
    • Introduce new elements within child-led play to expand their communication and social skills.
    • Model interaction and language.
    • Gently encourage turn-taking and sharing.
    • Celebrate children’s efforts and engagement.
Kerri’s Kids Play2Learn playgroups are intentionally kept small and the key benefits for your child include:
  • Focused Attention: With only 3-4 students, our specialists can devote significant individual attention to each child. This allows them to tailor interactions, activities, and challenges specifically to your child’s current developmental level and needs.
  • Reduced Overstimulation: Children with sensitivities, or who easily become overwhelmed in large groups, thrive in a smaller setting. This creates a calmer, less chaotic environment and allows them to feel safer and more comfortable.
  • Intense Social Interactions: A small group setting still provides essential opportunities for social interaction but in a way that’s less overwhelming. Children have more chances to meaningfully engage with each other, practice communication, and build relationships at a manageable pace.
  • Opportunities for Leadership: With fewer children, your child has more chances to initiate activities, lead play, and take turns expressing themselves. This sense of agency boosts their confidence and participation.
  • Tailored Facilitation: Our specialists can quickly adapt the playgroup’s direction based on the specific children present. We can more easily cater activities to the group’s emerging interests and ensure everyone feels included and engaged.

Here’s how children are typically matched in our playgroups:

Primary Consideration: 

  • Developmental Level The most important factor is matching children based on their overall developmental levels, particularly in the areas of social interaction, communication, and emotional regulation. This means children might be grouped across slightly different ages if they are working on similar skills.

Secondary Considerations:

  • Age: While not the primary factor, age may be considered to ensure the children are within a similar developmental range. This can prevent situations of a much older child dominating play or a younger one being left behind.
  • Ability Levels: Children are matched so that their overall skills are relatively similar. This prevents frustration and allows for meaningful peer interactions.
  • Specific Needs: In some cases, playgroups might be formed with children who have similar diagnoses or challenges (for example, a playgroup focused on children with Autism Spectrum Disorder). This can create opportunities for peer learning and understanding.

It’s important to remember that our playgroups emphasize individualized attention. While the group is designed to be well-matched, our specialists will continue to tailor their interactions to each child’s unique needs even within the playgroup setting.

Absolutely! Our small group setting allows us to effectively target all abilities. While each child within our groups may have a similar developmental skill set, we understand that every child is unique and may have individual goals. Our playgroup activities are designed to be flexible and adaptable, allowing us to modify them to target your child’s specific developmental goals. Whether it’s language development, social skills, sensory integration, or any other area of focus. Our team  is dedicated to providing support tailored to your child’s needs. We prioritize individualized attention and strive to create an environment where every child can make progress and reach their full potential, whic

Absolutely! While our playgroups do involve interacting with other children, they are specifically designed to ensure your child receives a significant amount of individual attention. Here’s why:
  • Small Group Size: With only 3-4 students in the class, our specialists have the bandwidth to provide focused support and interaction tailored to your child’s unique needs.
  • Child-Led Approach: The essence of the DIR Floortime approach in our playgroups is following the child’s lead. This means our specialists will engage deeply with your child’s individual interests and play style, fostering one-on-one bonds and developmental support.
  • Intentional Observation: Even when working with other children, our specialists are constantly observing and assessing each individual. The small group setting allows us to quickly identify your child’s specific needs, and adjust play scenarios to target those areas.
  • Adaptable Activities: Playgroup activities can be fluid and customized. If one of our specialists sees your child struggling or becoming disengaged, they can modify the play, create breakout moments for focused work, or introduce new elements to pique your child’s interest.
The aim of our playgroup is not just social interaction, but also individualized developmental support. While learning from and interacting with peers is valuable, your child’s individual progress is central to the approach we use.
DIR Floortime, also known as DIR/Floortime, is a child-centered approach to intervention for young children, particularly those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or other developmental challenges. Here’s a breakdown of its core ideas:

Relationships are Key: DIR Floortime emphasizes the importance of strong relationships between the child and their caregivers (parents, specialists) as the foundation for development.
Following the Child’s Lead: This approach prioritizes engaging with the child on their terms. Specialists and caregivers get down to the child’s level (hence the name “Floortime”) and follow their interests during play. This helps build trust, motivation, and a sense of joy in learning.
Expanding Circles of Communication: The core idea is to gradually build on the child’s existing communication skills. Specialists use playful interactions to encourage the child to initiate, respond, and share ideas, slowly expanding their ability to connect and communicate.
Emotional Development: DIR Floortime recognizes that emotional well-being is crucial for overall development. Play provides a safe space for children to explore their emotions, build self-regulation skills, and connect with others on an emotional level.
Individualized Approach: This approach acknowledges that every child develops at their own pace and has unique strengths and interests. DIR Floortime is tailored to the child’s specific needs and motivations, making it a flexible and adaptable intervention.

Overall, DIR Floortime aims to foster a love of learning and social interaction in a supportive and relationship-based environment.
To learn more, please visit www.icdl.com
We encourage you to learn about this approach and it’s profound impact.

Here are the key ways in which our specialists guide children’s interactions and development within our playgroups:

  • Joining the Child’s World: Our specialists begin by carefully observing the child, entering their play space, and following their lead. This means getting down on the child’s level (literally and figuratively) and mirroring their interests and actions.
  • Expanding Play: Our specialists gradually expand the child’s play and interactions. They introduce new elements, challenges, or playful scenarios while remaining attuned to the child’s emotional responses and engagement.
  • Promoting Communication: Our specialists constantly create opportunities for communication. This might include commenting on the child’s actions, asking open-ended questions, using playful sounds, or exaggerating gestures or facial expressions.
  • Shared Affect: Our specialists focus on joyful engagement and shared positive emotions. They aim to create moments of connection where the child feels seen and understood, building a foundation of trust and enjoyment in interaction.
  • Gentle Challenges: Throughout playtime, our specialists introduce manageable challenges that push the child’s current developmental boundaries. This might involve adding a new step to a familiar game, encouraging turn-taking, or offering slightly more complex language to model.
  • Adapting to Individual Needs: Crucially, our skilled specialists always tailor their approach to each child in the group. They recognize that each child has different strengths, interests, and attention spans, adjusting their interactions accordingly.

Key Point: The specialist’s role is not to impose a lesson plan but to create a playful and responsive environment where children feel encouraged to explore, interact, and grow at their own pace.

While progress may not be immediate, there are several positive signs you can look for that suggest your child is benefiting from the playgroup experience:
  • Increased Engagement: Does your child seem eager to attend the playgroups? Do they actively participate in activities, demonstrate playfulness, and show interest in their peers?
  • Improved Communication: You might see increased attempts at interaction, whether verbal or non-verbal. This could include more eye contact, gestures, vocalizations, or even an increase in words or phrases.
  • Developing Social Skills: Look for small but significant changes like sharing toys, taking turns, noticing the emotions of others, or demonstrating empathy.
  • Positive Emotional Shifts: Does your child seem happier or more relaxed after playgroup sessions? Decreases in tantrums or signs of agitation at home can also indicate positive changes.
  • Generalization of Skills: Keep an eye out for whether your child is starting to apply skills learned in playgroup to other settings. This could be initiating play with siblings or trying new communication strategies at home.
Important Note: Remember that progress in our playgroups may be subtle and gradual. Open communication with our specialists is crucial – they can provide valuable insights and specific observations of your child’s development within the playgroup setting.
DIR Floortime and ABA have different philosophies and techniques when it comes to early intervention. Here’s a breakdown of their key differences:
DIR Floortime
ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis)
Focuses on building emotional and social foundations for development.
Focuses on shaping specific behaviors through direct teaching of skills.
Child-led, follows the child’s interests and play.
Therapist-led, with structured teaching plans and defined goals.
Unstructured, activities emerge naturally from play and interaction.
Structured, specific activities and tasks designed to teach skills.
Uses child’s natural interests and enjoyment of play to motivate learning.
Often uses rewards and reinforcement to motivate desired behaviors.
Role of Play
Play is a central tool for building social-emotional skills.
Play may be used as a tool for skill-building, but is less central.
Addresses broad developmental areas like communication, emotional regulation, and social skills.
Targets specific, observable behaviors (e.g., language skills, reducing tantrums).
It’s Important to Note:
  • Not an Either/Or: DIR Floortime and ABA are sometimes used in combination with each other, creating a blend that leverages the strengths of both approaches.
  • Evolving Therapies: Both DIR Floortime and ABA continue to evolve, and there can be variation in how they are practiced.
  • Choosing the Right Fit: The best approach for a child depends on their individual needs, learning style, and the family’s preferences.
While both DIR Floortime and Montessori share some common elements, they have distinct focuses and approaches:

DIR Floortime
  • Therapeutic Focus: Primarily a therapeutic approach aimed at children with developmental challenges, particularly addressing social, emotional, and communication development.
  • Child-Led: Centers on following the child’s natural interests and cues during play. Specialists adapt activities and interactions based on the child’s current developmental level.
  • Emphasis on Relationships: Prioritizes the bond between the child and caregiver or specialists as the foundation for learning.
  • Play as the Primary Tool: Playful interactions are the main vehicle for fostering communication, emotional regulation, and social skills.
  • Educational Philosophy: A comprehensive educational approach designed to support a child’s natural development in all areas, including physical, intellectual, social, and emotional.
  • Prepared Environment: Focuses on a carefully designed classroom with specific materials that allow children to explore and learn through self-direction.
  • Emphasis on Independence: Encourages children to learn through discovery and problem-solving, fostering independence and self-reliance.
  • Mixed Age Groups: Classrooms often include mixed ages, promoting peer-learning and social development.
Key Differences
  • Target: DIR Floortime is primarily for children with developmental differences, while Montessori is a broad educational philosophy applicable to all children.
  • Structure: DIR Floortime is less structured, with play and interactions guided by the child. Montessori provides a carefully prepared environment and structured learning materials.
  • Role of the Adult: In DIR Floortime, the adult actively engages in play to foster development. In Montessori, the adult is primarily an observer and guide, facilitating the child’s self-directed learning.
Both DIR Floortime and Montessori value the child’s interests, respect their individual pace, and encourage development through hands-on experiences.
In Practice
DIR Floortime principles and techniques can certainly be incorporated into a Montessori environment to create a supportive and inclusive space for children with diverse needs.

How our playgroups help your child transition to preschool: 

Skill Learned in Playgroup

Benefit for Preschool Transition

Social Interaction

  • Develops comfort and confidence interacting with peers. 
  • Practices turn-taking, sharing, and cooperation during play. 
  • Learns to navigate social situations and build friendships.

Communication Skills

  • Improves verbal and non-verbal communication skills for effective interaction with teachers and classmates. 
  • Practices expressing needs, wants, and feelings appropriately.

Emotional Regulation

  • Develops tools to manage emotions like frustration or excitement in a group setting.
  • Increases self-control and ability to adapt to new routines.

Following Instructions

  • Builds experience listening and responding to instructions from adults.
  • Increases focus and attention needed for following classroom routines.


  • Adapts to changes in environment and activity more readily.
  • Feels comfortable participating in new group activities and learning experiences.
Your role as a parent is vital in supporting your child’s progress in our program! Here’s how you can actively be involved:
  • Learning the Approach: Take time to understand the core principles of DIR Floortime. This will help you recognize the goals we are working towards and reinforce those same techniques at home.
  • Observation and Collaboration: Discuss your child’s development with our specialists after every session. We will provide insights and urge you to ask questions about how to support your child.
  • Practice at Home: The true power of our playgroups lie in bringing it into your daily interactions. Ask our specialists for suggestions on how to play with your child in a way that reinforces the developmental skills targeted in the playgroup.
  • Advocating for Your Child: You are your child’s biggest champion! Share your observations about your child’s interests, strengths, and challenges with our playgroup specialists. Together, you can create a more personalized and supportive experience.
  • Caring for Yourself: Parenting a child with developmental differences can be challenging. Make sure to take care of your own well-being, so you can best support your child.
Remember: It’s a partnership! Your consistent involvement and collaboration with our playgroup specialists will greatly enhance your child’s progress and create a positive, development-focused environment both within the playgroup and at home.

While we deeply value parent involvement, we kindly ask that parents refrain from observing class sessions in person. This helps maintain a focused and conducive environment for all children enrolled. However, we understand the importance of keeping families informed and connected. Therefore, we capture moments through pictures and short videos during each class, which are then shared with all families. Additionally, we provide handouts detailing the activities and accomplishments of each session, ensuring families remain actively engaged in their child’s experiences and development at Kerris Kids Play2Learn.

Absolutely! Each family receives a comprehensive resource guidebook tailored to support activities at home. This guidebook includes detailed information and instructions to facilitate follow-through with the activities practiced in class. It covers a range of topics, such as songs sung during class sessions, language cues used by instructors, and specific strategies to reinforce learning and development outside of the classroom setting. By providing these resources, we aim to empower families to continue the learning journey at home, fostering consistency and continuity in their child’s growth and progress.

Children experiencing developmental delays, regardless of specific diagnosis, can benefit significantly from our playgroup. We believe that every child has unique strengths and challenges, and our approach focuses on individualized support tailored to each child’s developmental skill set, rather than solely their age. Children are grouped according to their developmental abilities, ensuring that each child receives appropriate support and challenges within the group setting. At Kerri’s Kids Play2learn it is important to remember that we  provide a supportive environment where children can thrive socially, emotionally, and cognitively. We welcome children with various diagnoses or challenges, recognizing that effective intervention and support can positively impact their growth and progress. Our goal is to create an inclusive and nurturing space where all children can flourish and reach their full potential, regardless of their specific circumstances.

 Absolutely! Our playgroup environment is designed to be adaptable and accommodating for children with sensory sensitivities. Sensory sensitivities refer to heightened or altered responses to sensory stimuli like touch, sound, taste, smell, or visual input. We understand that every child is unique, and we strive to create a supportive atmosphere where all children can feel comfortable and engaged. Our specialists are  trained to recognize and respond to sensory needs, and we offer a variety of sensory-friendly activities and materials to ensure that all children can participate fully and enjoy our sessions. Some activity ideas include sensory bins, quiet corners, visual schedules, calming activities, sensory-friendly art, sensory breaks, and sensory-friendly materials. By incorporating these activities and strategies, we aim to create an inclusive environment where all children feel supported and can participate comfortably in our playgroup sessions

Absolutely! We believe in the importance of collaboration with all professionals involved in your child’s care. If your child attends a school setting, their teacher will provide you with a consent form. This form grants permission for outside educators, like us, to communicate openly with them. This allows us to work together effectively to support your child’s development. By working together as a team, we can better understand your child’s needs, provide consistent support, and maximize their progress both in our playgroup and beyond.

If your child is having a tough day and isn’t fully participating, don’t worry – we’ve got it covered. We understand that not every day is a “superhero” kind of day. Our team will be there to observe, provide tailored support, keep you updated, and ensure your child feels safe and valued. Our aim is to create a warm, inclusive space where every child can flourish, even when the going gets tough.

Mommy and Me Classes

Have questions about our mommy and me classes? Get answers here and learn how they support you and your little one!

In a Mommy & Me class, you shift from a passive observer to an active participant in your child’s development. Here’s how your role is different:
  • Learning the Approach: You won’t just be dropping your child off. Mommy & Me classes involve training and guidance for parents on how to implement DIR Floortime strategies at home and during the playgroup itself. You’ll become a partner in your child’s milestone development.
  • In-the-Moment Coaching: Our specialists will provide real-time feedback and support as you play with your child. They’ll help you recognize your child’s cues, respond in developmentally supportive ways, and playfully encourage their communication and social skills.
  • Hands-on Practice: Our Mommy & Me classes give you a dedicated space to practice the DIR Floortime approach with your child, under the guidance of trained professionals. You’ll build confidence in using these techniques at home.
  • Bonding Through Play: This playgroup model emphasizes strengthening the parent-child bond. You’ll engage in playful interactions that foster a deep emotional connection and make the learning process joyful for both you and your child.
The ideal age range for a Mommy & Me class depends on the focus and the specific goals of the group. Here’s a general breakdown:
  • Infants and Toddlers (birth to 3 years): This is a crucial period for early social-emotional development. Mommy & Me groups can support bonding, enhance communication, and guide parents in fostering age-appropriate play and interaction.
  • Preschoolers (3 to 5 years): Playgroups at this age can build upon the foundations established earlier They can also target more advanced social skills, problem-solving, and pre-academic readiness, all alongside parental involvement.
Important Considerations:
  • Developmental Needs: Some groups might be tailored for children with specific developmental delays or diagnoses. We will ensure that the group aligns with your child’s needs during our screening process.
  • Grouping: Even within an age range, children might be further grouped based on developmental abilities and play styles to ensure a compatible learning environment.
Our specialists will discuss your child’s individual needs and the most suitable age range prior to your first Mommy and Me class.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Phone: (917) 841 – 0244   [call/text]

Email: [email protected]